A chance to get certified, turning your training into a Certification to give both yourself and those you coach confidence.
COST: £357 / approx $467 USD
DURATION: 2 x 60 minute appointments with mentor, submission of 2 x coaching session recordings for evaluation
AVAILABILITY: Available now
PREREQUISITE: Level 1 Executive Certificate in Co-Creative Transformational Coaching or Weekend 1 Training plus logged 'client' hours (coaching done outside your training)

Who is this for?
For students who have completed a Level 1 training.
If you are a student who took our training prior to March 2021, when it was called The Coach Training Leadership Development program, you also qualify for this.
The purpose of doing this
➡️ To gain confidence in the standard of coaching you are delivering
➡️ To gain valuable feedback on your coaching to help you understand your strengths and areas for development
➡️ To complete your studies with a formal certification that assures you, you have met a standard
➡️ To focus in on honing and perfecting essential coaching skills and competencies to make you more professional
➡️ To give yourself a stamp of approval by a coaching organisation which opens up possibilities of coaching for income
What's included

Competencies outline checklist for reaching Level 1 Certification (to help you prepare for your evaluations)
2 x 60 minute one to one live mentoring calls with a member of faculty from the Destiny Coach Training School
Evaluation of 2 x coaching recordings submitted by you.
Subject to successfully demonstrating required competencies, Level 1 Certified Co-Creative Transformational status. (Certificate is awarded on successful completion of program)
How it works
Step 1 - Sign up and pay on on this page
Step 2 - We will contact you with full details on what to do next. Which will include you setting up two appointments with volunteers or clients to record two 30 minute coaching sessions. And two appointments with your mentor.