Enjoy experiencing transformational Co-Creative Coaching 1 to 1 with a fully trained, certified and experienced coach at a discounted price.
You will be amazed at how life transforming a single session of co-creative transformational coaching can be!
You will be coached by a member of our faculty via zoom.
These tasters offer you a chance to choose from a menu of topics which showcase some unique areas from Co-Creative Coaching.
You will be coached for one hour on your choice form the menu.
Be prepared to be encouraged and to be taken to places where you may have not gone before with this unique spirit led, Biblically based coaching.
You can opt to have a one single session or up to 4 sessions.
After your coaching tasters you may want to continue getting coached or to join the online school to learn how to coach the co-creative coaching model.
5 options to choose from:
Impact Coaching Session
By being coached to gain awareness of your IMPACT, you will begin to see how people’s lives can be different because of your contribution. You already have an impact wherever you are. What is that impact? How does heaven see it? How do you impact people, situations, the atmosphere, the spiritual realm …….? Knowing fully what impact you have had during the most impactful times of your life, what impact you have every day and what your future holds when you are operating from your fullest potential, is inspiring, empowering and activating. You will find yourself becoming more aware of what is possible, how God sees you, and what it looks like to have extraordinary impact.
Life Message Coaching Session
A life message is something that is so intrinsically part of who you are. You convey it automatically in how you live, what you do, how you do it and many other ways. Your life message tells the world something powerful. No one else can give the world your message the way you do. It carries weight when you give it because it has your heart, your values, your experience, your internal transformation, and your relationship with God behind it. It is your testimony of who God is and what He can do. Your life messages are entwined with your purpose. They represent places where you have been transformed, where you have overcome, where you carry extraordinary wisdom which will bring hope, freedom and so much more to the world.
Task/Role/Function Coaching Session
These are the strengths, gifting, anointing and talents you have, which roles you fulfil both in your career and outside your career. These are the practical side detailing what you do in any given season to allow you to live out who you are. Working from your strengths is of paramount importance as this is where you find fulfilment. This is what God created us for. Aligning this area with the other areas of audience, message and impact is vital, as doing what you do best and what brings you alive works best when you are fully balanced and aligned in all four areas. Having God speak into this area and give you His perspective on how He has created you brings incredible new insights and opens up myriads of new possibilities.
Audience Coaching Session
There are 7 billion people on the planet and the chances are that you will not be able to impact all of them in your lifetime so unless you know who you want to impact with your life message it may be difficult to focus your efforts. The audience or the people you are called to serve and contribute your gifts and talents could be people you have already had experience with or people you have not had experience with but a heart to impact. Being coached on this area will help you identify who they are. You will have more than one audience. God likes to surprise us also, opening different audiences to us than we would have thought of
Grace and Authority Wheel Coaching Session
This coaching tool is powerful because it works on the spiritual law that the power of the testimony is the spirit of prophecy (Rev 19:10) - It unpacks your testimony that may have been previously hidden, unused, and latent. It allows you to have confidence in stepping out in your authority in specific areas. Being coached around this coaching tool will give you increased awareness of where you have authority and grace on your life. It will help you to see specific areas of purpose that arise from your history. It will also give you ideas of where God’s redemptive power in your life is working and what opportunities there are for the future. (You can have multiple coaching sessions on this one tool)
How it Works.....
You will be sent an email after purchasing here with calendar options to book you in and also you will be emailed the coaching menu so you can select which type of session you would like.
You can tell your coach at the beginning of the session what your menu choice is.